World Parkinson’s Day 2023

World Parkinson’s Day is an annual event aimed at raising awareness of the condition and celebrating the Parkinson’s community. It’s a global happening driven by the community and amplified by Parkinson’s UK. Working closely with the Corporate Partnerships team we secured two fantastic gifts of media space: 2,000 digital sites across the UK (list price £1m) from media owners Smart Outdoor plus others within their network and another go on Piccadilly circus with a 10 minute takeover on World Parkinson’s Day.

The idea was to work with poets within the Parkinson’s community to tell the story of their condition in an engaging and positive way and to include also the ‘lighting up blue’ initiative where buildings are lit up as a show of solidarity. This built on my concept in the previous year working with poets.

I worked closely with the community to develop a series of digital ads – 5 executions in total and a longer 2 minute film execution for Piccadilly Circus. I designed the narrative and wrote the script with a tight team of people with Parkinson’s. The campaign coordinated across social media, website and PR. To huge success and resounding approval from the parkinson’s community.

Promo film for World Parkinson’s Day 2023

People from the community capturing reactions to the poetry campaign

Promo film for World Parkinson’s Day 2023

People from the community capturing reactions to the poetry campaign

Manc Poet, Mike Garry reads a poem for World Parkinson’s Day